Benefits of a ceramic or ceramic to metal crown on an implant:
When both the tooth and root are damaged, the best permanent replacement is a dental implant in conjunction with a crown. If the crown is in a highly esthetic area, then the best solution may be an all ceramic crown. If it is not in a highly esthetic area, then there are several choices, from all metal, to metal ceramic, to all ceramic crowns. Each one has its advantages and disadvantages that we would be happy to discuss with you.
This procedure normally includes 4-5 visits to the dentist. You should expect to be able to work the day after having the implant installed.
>> View Treatment Procedure
The course of treatment described here is one of several options available. We would be happy to consult with you to find out what the best solution is for you, given your specific condition.
1: Before the procedure Dr. Madden performs an examination and takes one or more x-rays of the area to prepare for the procedure. |
2: Installing the implant The implant is installed. At this time, a temporary tooth is provided that allows you eat and function like normal almost immediately. The implant will need 2-3 months to integrate with the jawbone before the next step is taken. |
3: Attaching the new crown The final step is the placement of the ceramic or ceramic metal crown. This may take more than one visit to make sure the shade is ideal. |
4: End result You should expect the new tooth to fit and function just like a natural tooth. Do your usual dental hygiene to keep the tooth and gum around it clean and healthy. |
Tooth-supported fixed bridge A traditional bridge involves grinding down adjacent teeth to support the bridge. It is a stable solution with good esthetics and function that is fairly easy to install. However, this alternative has two main disadvantages: continuous bone resorption in the edentulous area, and sacrificing healthy teeth on behalf of the bridge. |
Removable partial denture This is not a permanent alternative to a lost tooth. It is unstable and loosely attached, which affects both function and comfort. A removable partial denture is made of plastic – a material that can't create the same esthetic result as a ceramic crown. The benefits are few but do exist: adjacent teeth aren't affected. It is easily and quickly installed and relatively cheap. |